Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Gavin Horner – Intelligence vs evidence from a law enforcement officer’s perspective

Episode 107 – Phil Gurski talks about terrorism and evidence with 30-year Toronto police veteran Gavin Horner.

Quick Hits

Should academics tell national security professionals how to do their jobs?

Quick Hits 173 – Is there no better way to manage this relationship?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Talking with Jesse Morton, former Al-Qaeda recruiter in the US

Episode 106 – A fascinating conversation with Jesse Morton, former to Al Qaeda recruiter in the US

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Destiny: Taliban takeover, incels, NZ attack and capitol riots

Listen to my 5th discussion with popular live-streamer Destiny (Steven Bonnell).

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Hostage taking – A conversation with Rachel Briggs

Episode 103 – In this podcast, Phil Gurski talks to Rachel Briggs, first director of Hostage UK and founding executive director of Hostage US on this fascinating issue.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Minke Meijnders – What role does strategic foresight play in national security?

Episode 101 – Phil Gurski chats with Minke Meijnders, instructor at the University of Ottawa’s Security, Economics and Technology program.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Borealis talks with American terrorism guru Brian Jenkins

Episode 100 – Borealis President Phil Gurski is delighted to welcome back US terrorism specialist Brian Jenkins to answer a simple question: whither terrorism?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Suzanne Raine – Is there a terrorist calm before the next terrorist storm?

Episode 99 – Phil Gurski talks to former UK FCO official Suzanne Raine on why vigilance is the better strategy.

Quick Hits Video

Yes, Canada needs a foreign intelligence service, but does it want one?

Quick Hits 169 – Phil Gurski explains why Canada needs a foreign intelligence devoted to HUMINT.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Angus Smith – Intelligence vs evidence in the life of a strategic analyst

Episode 98 – Phil Gurski is joined by former RCMP strategic analyst Angus Smith to discuss how spies and cops have related, but different responsibilities