Quick Hits 169 – Phil Gurski explains why Canada needs a foreign intelligence devoted to HUMINT.

Quick Hits 169 – Phil Gurski explains why Canada needs a foreign intelligence devoted to HUMINT.
Phil Gurski talks with CKWR’s John Maciel about the London hit and run incident earlier this month.
Former CSIS strategic analyst Phil Gurski joins CBC’s Ginella Massa to discuss the Muslim family killed in targeted hit and run in London, Ontario.
Not enough information is available yet to say with certainty the allegedly hate-motivated London vehicle attack was an act of terrorism.
Quick Hits 167 – Muslims in London, Ont., express shock, grief in wake of ‘planned’ hit and run
Quick Hits 166 – What is Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism (IMVE)?
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Should we, in the West, deal with a royal who sends assassins abroad?
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